Re Movie: Now You See Me (2013)

If i can describe this movie in one single word, it would be: AMAZING. The magic tricks are great and fascinate!

This movie is about a team of talented illusionists called the Four Horsemen. Atlas and his comrades mesmerizes audiences with a pair of magic shows that drain the bank accounts of the corrupt and funnel the money to the audience members. A federal agent and an Interpol detective intend to rein into the Horsemen before their next caper, and they turn to Thaddeus, a famous debunker, for help.

Q: I liked the material because?

A: Because of the tricks presented. For me, the four magician are just playing with the audience's eyes and they made great tricks! Especially in the scene of their last performance. Right after they bid their farewell, they ran to the left and disappear in the form of money. That part was very astounding because how in Earth suddenly they were on another roof and running.

Ok, thats all for today.

June 26th 2016.
21st Ramadhan 1437H.

arigato haikk sudi bace :)

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Jot down whatever you want. I will published your comments once i check them out!

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